পুলিশ সুপার মহোদয় সর্ম্পকীত
Superintendent of Police
Md. Shahriar Rahman
- Md. Shahriar Rahman
- পুলিশ সুপার, সিআইডি, রাজশাহী বিভাগ।
পুলিশ সুপারের বার্তা
- I would like to extend my heartfelt and warmest welcome to the official website of Bangladesh police, Rajshahi Range. We...
To be announced
To be announced
রাজশাহী বিভাগ সিআইডি এর ইতিহাস
Criminal Investigation Department (CID) is one of the ancient and specialized units of Bangladesh Police. It is the apex body of investigation of Bangladesh Police as well as Bangladesh government. Investigation of scheduled cases suggested by laws and cases instructed from courts is the basic function of CID. CID also undertakes the investigation of specialized crimes that require technical expertise. Apart from investigation there are some special functions too, through which CID assists ot...